I hate when I get so behind in blogging!I enjoy writing so much and have so much to say but so little time to say it in. Baby and I have both been under the weather lately and it has been really hard to get anything done. Thoughts of what I want to blog about are written on sticky notes and stuck all over the house. It is really funny actually.:)
So with all that said this week is a busy one. Thank God for my hubby for taking care of Wren this past weekend so that I could get back into my jewelry making groove. I just need the jump start to get a jewelry rhythm going again and then I am really off and running. Love how I just described myself as an old Chevy pick-up truck.:) I am preparing for a show this weekend. It starts the spring festival season off for me. It's kind of funny that I get butterflies right before I do the first show. I think it is because I have new products. Pieces that were once swirling creative ideas in my head, but are now three dimensional and ready to be worn and loved. I am so excited to present my fabric flower garden necklaces this weekend. Excited to see how they will look in my booth space and how my customers will relate to them. It always makes me beam with delight when someone sees a piece I created and lights up and has to have it. Then I know that it will be enjoyed and loved. I do get quite attached to my jewelry.
Someone who does Love the new garden necklaces is
Kelly Rae Roberts. I was so excited to blog about her
Wednesday Inspiration post. She named one of my necklaces as something she was inspired by that day. I was so, so, so excited that she was digging the new necklaces. It made me smile the whole week and still when I think about it I am still smiling. I was lucky enough to meet her for the second time at the Atlanta Apparel Mart this past January. As always she was such a delight and so sweet to talk to. If you get a chance check out her wonderful art. It is amazing and speaks volumes.
Now back to work! Long necklaces coming soon. Hope the sun is shining where you are and if it isn't then dance in the rain. :)
Here we are meeting Kelly Rae (2) at the apparel mart. My friends Jenni (1) and Tiffin (4) were my partners in crime we had so much fun! |