Monday, May 2, 2011

Royally Romantic and Nostalgic

Yes, I did get up at 4 a.m. Friday to watch the Royal Wedding :) I honestly could not wait to watch it! And I am so glad I did. William looked so handsome and proud and Kate was just glowing. Some of my friends and family keep asking me, "what is it with them that you had to wake up that early and watch". And honestly it was a refreshing moment that focused on LOVE! What better reason to wake up but for LOVE!! There may be some skeptics but I really believe that they are really in Love. Of all those people who asked me about my fascination with Will and Kate, my hubby never did. He just let me revel in it! And I Love him for that :)
I have such a soft spot in my heart for England! I found myself there, literally, when I studied at Digby Stuart College in 1998. I was fresh into my 20s and the world was scary but so open to possibilities. I remember missing home terribly but I knew that I would be okay and I was going to be so changed by this experience. And I was. Then about a year and a half ago I went back with my sister and friends. I was almost 5 months pregnant but went anyway and again was so happy I did. England to me is like a friend you don't talk to for a while but when you do talk it is like you haven't skipped a beat. So my glass is raised and I say cheers to Love.

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