Saturday, December 11, 2010


Wow, sorry for the blogging absence! We have been battling the seasonal cold around our house. The baby got it, which was his first cold, and then we got it. I can't remember the last time I was sick and it was miserable. I hated it more for Wren.  But now we are all feeling much better and able to start enjoying the holidays. Which means my obsessiveness with lists. I am very behind in all I need to do, that I have started making lists left and right. But as crazy as it sounds I love my lists. I think with out them I wouldn't be able to function :)  And what a satisfying feeling it is when you can cross off all the things that you have accomplished that day. 
So whatever lists you have hanging around your house. Have fun accomplishing what ever it is you need to do and enjoy the season :)

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